Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Expenses, Holidays, and Motivation

So there's no doubt about it, hockey is a rather expensive hobby to break into. You need a lot of different gear, and not much of it is anything you really want to skimp in quality on when your talking about checking another person into the glass. But with the holidays lingering, and college starting up for me in January, money is going to be a bit harder to come by for a little while.

With ice time costing around $11-$12 every skate, getting on the ice for the time I want becomes a bit expensive. Might have to cut back to once a week to save the bank. Cutting back might help me schedule a more solid day of the week for my skate as well though, as the public skate times are some what random.

Motivating myself is hard as well still. I feel most of it stems from my wife's work schedule being so odd at the moment. Hopefully we can get used to it together sooner than later! It's rough being up until 4am randomly. Gym time should be easier to make happen, though I still find myself waiting and procrastinating on that when I'm on an 'off' day. I need to head down there some time today actually!

So if anyone was thinking of getting me anything for the holidays or my birthday, feel free to send cold, hard cash! Hockey gear doesn't buy itself!

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