Thursday, March 4, 2010

Running with the inspiration.

With my last project (which netted me a 100/100 btw), I was able to capture a bit of inspiration from the Caps, most notably, Theodore and his fundraising effort. Another project in much the same vein was laid out for us just the other day, so I decided to follow this line even further in creating more hockey art!

Here are a few work in progress shots of the stuff I'm knee deep in right now, enjoy!

All of the work is done by taking photos from the Caps/Leafs game my wife and I attended and desaturating the color and ramping up the contrast. The photos are printed and laid under tracing paper where I picked out the details using a sharpie. Text from the game recap and some additional sources will be laid in the background with varying fonts and sizes to emphasis the sense of story. They'll also be laid in a format yet to be determined. Stay tuned for more and finished photos (eventually!). I had considered trying to get the boys to sign the pieces, we'll see if I can make that happen or not, Ted if you're reading, hook a young artist up!


  1. Woah those look awesome mate!

    I even recognised a few of the photos from your facebook in there too!

  2. Thanks Dante!

    Still a long way from a finished piece, but the WIP's feel really promising.

    I'm actually thinking that if the finished product looks good enough, that I'll definitely get the boys to sign it (if they're willing that is!) and auction it off for charity. We'll see how that goes.
